Category: Self-Care

  • Day 324 – The Beautiful Way

    Every day I schedule the time to meditate. Meditation is the gateway to achieving equanimity and a deep level of clarity. When I read the quote below, it instantly reminded me of this beautiful journey called life we are all experiencing. I awoke this morning and thought it was Sunday! My family looked at me…

  • Day 315 – Live & Lead with Grace

    Is the person you are in life showing up in your leadership? Yesterday, a CFO said to me, “How can I have grace in my life and work?” We had a great discussion as the world is heavy and it is truly impacting all of us. My love of imperfection had a great place in…

  • Day 275 – Science of the Mind

    Equanimity. I honour my equanimity by teaching yoga 🧘‍♀️ on Saturday mornings. Chair yoga for people who have physical limitations, illness or injury. 💜 Gentle flow yoga to let go of the week and set an intention for their practice. When we navigate our lives with mental calmness and composure it’s truly the sweet spot.…

  • Day 247 – What’s your life intersection?

    The last two years have shown all of us a great deal. This post could go in many directions and discuss several topics. My goal today is to post about your life’s journey. When I turned 50, I chose to become a yoga teacher. I always enjoyed going to yoga. Yoga means science of the…

  • Day 240 – The Imperfect Ending

    As I write my daily blog on the last day of 2022 — Wow. What a year. It had every emotion. It has had many great moments. Heirloom memories. Great lessons. Another level of letting go achieved. An increase to awareness and being open. Leaning into my inner health and balance. Return to regular self-care…

  • Day 237 – The Value

    This year has challenged me with my health. It has taught me so much. The world has changed and we have so many illnesses, disease and viruses. More than we have ever seen. Spending the time to value our health is a priority. Eating well, sleeping well, exercise and time to tend to our inner…

  • Day 230 – Yoga

    I received a phone call today from a dear friend and colleague asking me if I would teach yoga at their facility in January and February 2023. I have been a certified RYT200 yoga teacher since 2018. I taught every Wednesday until the week the world started with COVID in 2022. I have missed teaching…

  • Day 219 – Victorious Living

    Have you ever wondered how and if you are living victoriously? When I schedule some time to think and write, the first thing I do is allow myself approval to do so. We will also encounter opposition in our lives. The easiest way to overcome opposition is to sit in the middle of it and…

  • Day 204 – Take the Break!

    I am excited to be with friends in the USA for the American Thanksgiving weekend. It’s fun to travel and take the break. I refer to it as ‘the break’ as it’s something that needs to be in our schedule. Dreams cannot come to fruition if a date and action for it to happen isn’t…

  • Day 199 – Where do you travel?

    When you read this title did your mind automatically go to a person, place or thing? Where do you travel in your mind? Where do your dreams lie? What are your inspirations? When are you going to set some goals to get there? Who is with helping and cheering you on? How will you travel…