Day 288 – Don’t Know It All
Leadership Rx: Leaders don’t know it all. Leaders don’t have all the answers. Leaders who suffer from imposter syndrome frequently have the perception that those around them have higher expectations of them than they do. Realizing that you don’t know everything is often a relief and a source of inspiration. Try strategizing vulnerability instead of…
Day 284 – FUN
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the word “fun.” Hearing the word “fun” takes me back to being a younger girl and to activities and people with whom I had fun. As we get older, gain more life and work experience, and become more responsible, we may lose sight of what is “fun” because…
Day 246 – Mindset – Reset
For many years I did choose a word to have in the forefront of my mind for the entire year. In 2022, my last chosen word was intention. It aligns with what I do as professional and who I am as a woman. This year, I have decided to have a clear declaration. I’m levelling…
Day 242 – ADL’s
When I was a medical case manager, I often spoke to my clients about ADL’s. ADL’s is an acronym for Activities of Daily Living. Sometimes we can take for granted what we do each day — until we can’t do what we used to do. This can take a toll on our mental health. It’s…
Day 238 – Progressive
When you awake each morning what is lying deep within your heart? I awake with gratitude for a brand new day. A day that is a clean slate full of potential. My goal is to be a bit more progressive than yesterday. A small movement forward into becoming a better version of myself. No obligation.…
Day 235 – Design
As we live out the end of 2022 with relaxation and reflection, it’s the welcoming time to dream for 2023. We can dream anytime it feels good for us. 2023 does not have to be completely thought out or designed. You have the full control of what the next year will be and look like.…
Day 231 – Pleasing
As we navigate and approach the end of 2022, I have had many conversations with people this week. People are feeling: One of my goals for 2022 was to live and BE with intention. Intention cannot occur when we are in a state of people-pleasing or acute obligation. I offer use humour and say to…
Day 227 – The 3 P’s
When I think about happiness, I remember being taught by my mentor about the 3 P’s. Pleasure. Passion. Purpose. When we have the 3 P’s it equates to our happiness. Happiness is a daily way of being and truly a choice. When we embrace our imperfections, be heart-centered in both our personal and professional life…
Day 223 – The Four Agreements
Every December, I choose to re-read a book that helps me end the current year in a good state of mind and revisit the year as a whole. The book I read each December is The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. It was given to me by my mentor the year it was written…
Day 214 – Words or Deeds?
As December continues to slowly bring us to the end of 2022, I am seeing lots of information for predictions, words, etc. for the next year. What if? Trends and social media tend to lend a hand to our thinking and may actually sway what we really want to do. Words over deeds is powerful.…