Category: Habits of Thinking

  • Day 391 – No Obligation Here

    This month, I made the intentional decision not to post daily. I want to keep my profile fresh and write when I feel I have something worth writing and reading. The conscious shift comes from my foundational belief that I should lead as a self-directed leader and not from a place of obligation. I am…

  • Day 386 – Take the Pause

    When we unplug it always allows room and time for a full recharge. I’ve taken a few days off social media for many reasons. I’ve been working on my revisional edits for my book imperfect: The Heart-Centered Leadership Podcast coming in September! I took the time to celebrate my 33rd year in business (May 30,…

  • Day 359 – Dreams

    Sunday Reflection This week has been incredible on so many levels. The quote below from Albert Einstein was presented to me at the beginning of the week prior to my daily meditation practice. It has stayed with me all week. I allowed the words to be present in everything I chose to do this week.…

  • Day 352 – Action Prevails

    Today, I share one of Carl Jung’s quotes that is foundational to who I am. My Irish Nana used to say, “Show me, don’t tell me.” Another version of the quote below. Words are important. Behaviour brings your words to life.

  • Day 325 – Time to Rise

    I cherish every weekend. It’s time to do whatever I feel, think and like. It’s a time to ebb and flow and allow a loosening of structure that our work week can bring. Don’t get my wrong here, there is plenty of ebb and flow I integrate into my work week, yet, the weekends are…

  • Day 324 – The Beautiful Way

    Every day I schedule the time to meditate. Meditation is the gateway to achieving equanimity and a deep level of clarity. When I read the quote below, it instantly reminded me of this beautiful journey called life we are all experiencing. I awoke this morning and thought it was Sunday! My family looked at me…

  • Day 316 – Alignment

    When I read this quote this week, I thought how clear, concise and real these words are. A heart-centered leader is fully aligned. Head and heart. When we lead with our heart, our head knows it’s right. It sounds right. It feels right. The level of intuition management to reach this level is leadership is…

  • Day 312 – Mental Calmness vs. Cognitive Overwhelm

    Mental Calmness Vs. Cognitive Overwhelm Finding a balance between mental calmness and cognitive overwhelm can be challenging. One way to find this balance is to use techniques like deep breathing and mindfulness to calm down. These can help reduce stress and anxiety while also allowing you to focus on the task at hand. Additionally, taking…

  • Day 293 – Cognitive Address

    What’s your cognitive address? Our cognitive address combines our thoughts, feelings, and perceptions that make up our individual experiences. It is a unique representation of who we are and how we think. It demonstrates our metacognition from a behavioural perspective. What’s your cognitive address at work?

  • Day 291 – What the World Needs Now

    What the world needs now is… If I look at the top 6 leadership challenges in the world right now, this is what I see and hear from my heart-centered leader clients: 📌Bridging the cultural gap: The world is becoming increasingly interconnected, yet cultural differences can still create divides between communities and countries. The need…