I cherish every weekend.
It’s time to do whatever I feel, think and like.
It’s a time to ebb and flow and allow a loosening of structure that our work week can bring.
Don’t get my wrong here, there is plenty of ebb and flow I integrate into my work week, yet, the weekends are an open field of exploration.
Yesterday, I spent the day reading. I tend to read 2-3 books at the same time and the calmness of the day with the sounds of gentle rain outside set the foundation for a day of reading.
The quote below awoke my senses and habits of thinking this morning before my meditation.
Imagine if we all did surrender?
An opportunity to rise from our rooted foundation to explore, expand and BE?
When we look inside our heart at the lives we have had, the answer is there for how we show up as leaders. 💜
What’s in your playbook?