I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the word “fun.”
Hearing the word “fun” takes me back to being a younger girl and to activities and people with whom I had fun.
As we get older, gain more life and work experience, and become more responsible, we may lose sight of what is “fun” because we feel like we have to do things every day, every week, and every month.
Our thinking habits can undoubtedly take us to negative places or, as one client says, “down the rabbit hole.”
A small shift.
A mindset reset.
What if fun could represent something novel or new?
It’s full integration.
Work shows up in life.
Life shows up at work.
Let’s reframe the word “fun” at the beginning of a new week.
Adopt new feelings and meanings.
We’re here for one time and one time only.
Why not make it fun regardless of what you are doing?