Day 257 – Quality #7 – Lifelong Learner

Heart-Centered Leadership Quality Challenge

Welcome to Day 7 of 20 💜

“At any age, whether twenty or eighty, a person who ceases to educate themselves is considered old. Learning is the key to eternal youth.”

Deb Crowe

Quality #7 – Lifelong Learner

Lifelong Learner – This is the highest level of being open-minded (Quality #5) and approachable (Quality #9). When you can show and demonstrate that you are evolving as a leader and are humble enough to learn new ways of thinking or look at something through someone else’s eyes and enjoy the view from the observer’s chair (Quality #12 – Mindful of Words). 

How do you demonstrate that you are a leader who continues to learn and grow?

Are you able to consistently demonstrate your ability to share what you are learning?

Is your organizational culture built from a place of continued learning to foster growth and progression?

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