Unplanned success.
I find it truly amazing to live my life in a self-directed way.
I work with and know so many people who live with obligation and for some, it’s at a visceral level.
That is not living.
It’s existing with pressure and defining your worth by stature, followers, etc.
I spent most of the summer unwell.
I embraced it.
I slowed down.
I did what I needed.
I then welcomed my first granddaughter.
My clients have been amazing. They see, understand and embrace that when life happens, you live through it.
I’ve turned down work this summer. My response has not been welcomed by all that I’ve had conversations with.
Our life comes first.
Family will always come first.
My health is priority as without it I have nothing.
Here’s to embracing the unexpected.
Here’s to loving my imperfections.
As we enter Q4, I feel hopeful, optimistic and excited for the work I am and will be doing.
Embrace the uncomfortable.
Ride the wave friends.
Being open and self-directed will always lead you to greatness. 💜