This quote is so powerful.
When the power of Love
Overcomes the Love of Power
the World Will Know Peace
-Jimi Hendrix
This quote resonated within me when I wrote my book.
I truly drew the line in the sand and felt if I didn’t write this book now, when would be the best time?
I am grateful for the early praise that I have received on The Heart-Centered Leadership Playbook. I am humbled, excited and ready to release this book to the world!
Thanks to Neil Grunberg for being a beta reader and sharing his thoughts on my book.
“Most discussions, published works, lectures, mentoring and coaching sessions about leadership development focus on behaviours (actions) and mention cognitions (perceptions, attitudes, beliefs). Leaders certainly must understand and learn to control behaviours and cognitions, but they also must understand motivations and emotions to optimize leadership. Deb Crowe’s Heart-Centered Leadership Playbook clearly focuses on and embraces motivation and emotions in addition to behaviours and cognitions relevant to effective leadership. Her clear prose and storytelling style bring life to the meaningful
lessons that she encourages readers to learn. This volume provides a valuable addition and crucial component to the leadership literature.”
—Neil E. Grunberg, Ph.D.