This quote is what we all struggle with and want in our lives.
A recent CXO asked me when we started coaching, “Can we do some life coaching as well Deb?”
Coaching is for the whole person. Life shows up in our work and work certainly show up in our life.
Carl Jung’s perspective on the influence of the unconscious mind on one’s life is real and has great depth. He suggests that until a person becomes aware of and acknowledges their unconscious thoughts, desires, and motivations, those unconscious elements will continue to shape their life experiences, and they may interpret this influence as fate.
In psychology, the unconscious mind refers to a reservoir of thoughts, feelings, and memories that exist outside of conscious awareness but can still affect behavior and decision-making.
Our unconscious mind can drive our actions and choices without our conscious understanding of why we are doing certain things.
The idea of fate, often associated with predetermined events or outcomes, is typically viewed as something beyond an individual’s control.
Until one gains awareness of their unconscious and the influence it has on their life, they may attribute the direction of their life to external forces like fate, without recognizing their own agency in shaping their experiences.
What’s in your playbook?