When I think of the word connection, it means so many things to me.
I’m the person who chooses to notice what others may miss.
I listen deeply.
I remember infinite details.
I have always honoured my connection with people since I was a young girl.
I have so many fond memories of sitting at kitchen tables all over Ontario with my clients when I case managed.
I would often hear, “you remember that?”
I took great notes, I listened and I would highlight the “happy” even when my clients were not doing well physically or emotionally.
It’s a skill I learned young.
I have carried it with me in every aspect of my leadership journey and will continue to do so.
Some of my best conversations have been with people who have nothing (according to society and social media). Yet they have and continue to live with richness in their spirit, attitude and how they approach their life.
That level of self-awareness is rare and a pleasure to witness.
What’s in your playbook?