A year ago today I started to write my book.
I was terrified.
I let every negative thought overcome me and then I paused, reset my mindset and realized it was time.
We all know when the right time is to share our story. A gentle internal push from myself was all that I needed.
Fast forward a year to the day (serendipity?) and today is the last day for my pre-sale campaign.
A shoutout and marketing plug for me.
Why do we work hard to achieve our goals and then not share them?
Today is the last day to join my exclusive author community.
I am not creating a Facebook group.
I want this community to be exclusive, inviting and different.
I value my connection with people.
It’s an energy exchange with no strings or reciprocity.
Join me on this journey and get exclusive access to how the book will unfold, participate in fireside chats, ask questions, gain clarity, help me choose my book cover and the best part —be acknowledged in my book.
What’s in your playbook?