Last week, Mehbs Remtulla invited me to a great conference coming up in June in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. To other colleagues and friends in this space, I hope to see you! Helen Hirsh Spence Bradley Schurman Michael Netzley, Ph.D.
Details: “Future of Worth™: Leveraging the Longevity Dividend.”
I wanted to share this conference for many reasons, but more importantly, it is an issue within organizations I am seeing daily for myself and my clients.
Creating an age-inclusive, multigenerational workplace is essential in today’s diverse workforce, but it is a challenge.
To engage in this effort, I am sharing some of my leadership coaching strategies, and hopefully, we can deflate this elephant and open up more talks with HR:
1. Foster a culture of respect: Ensure that your workplace culture respects and values employees of all ages. Encourage everyone to listen to and learn from each other. Make sure there is open communication and that everyone feels heard.
2. Emphasize diversity and inclusion: Encourage diversity and inclusion in all aspects of the workplace. Ensure that everyone has equal opportunities and access to training and development opportunities.
3. Create mentorship and reverse mentorship programs: Create mentorship programs that allow older employees to mentor younger employees and reverse-mentorship programs that allow younger employees to mentor older employees. This helps break down generational barriers and promote knowledge sharing.
4. Provide flexible work arrangements: Offer flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting, job sharing, and part-time work. This allows employees of all ages to balance work and personal responsibilities.
5. Provide learning and development opportunities: Provide learning and development opportunities that cater to the needs of all employees, regardless of age. Encourage employees to learn from each other and share their knowledge and experiences.
What’s in your playbook?