What’s a heart-centered fireside chat?
A heart-centered fireside chat is an informal conversation that is held typically held in a relaxed setting.
I have the pleasure of receiving context on the company and culture from the COO and the VP, People & Culture to tailor the fireside chat.
Here are some tips to facilitate a heart-centered fireside chat that I would personally recommend:
- Choose a comfortable setting: The setting should be conducive to conversation and create a relaxed atmosphere. A fireside chat is best held in a comfortable and intimate space, where the audience can feel engaged with the speaker. An offsite location is often recommended to eliminate interruption and/or distractions.
- Pick an engaging speaker or panel: The speaker or panel should be engaging and knowledgeable on the topic of discussion. It’s important to choose someone who can hold the attention of the audience and stimulate conversation.
- Prepare questions: While the conversation should be informal, it’s important to prepare some questions ahead of time to guide the discussion. These questions should be open-ended and encourage the speaker to share their thoughts and experiences.
- Encourage audience participation: Heart-Centered Fireside chats are designed to be interactive, so it’s important to encourage audience participation. Allow for questions and comments from the audience throughout the conversation, and make sure the audience feels comfortable sharing their thoughts.
- Keep the conversation flowing: The conversation should flow naturally, and it’s the job of the facilitator to keep it on track. Make sure to listen carefully to the speaker and ask follow-up questions to keep the conversation going.
- Be flexible: Heart-Centered Fireside chats are meant to be informal, so it’s important to be flexible and adjust the conversation as needed. If the audience is particularly engaged in a certain topic, it’s okay to spend more time on it than originally planned. Heart-Centered leadership is fun to chat about!
Overall, a heart-centered fireside chat is a great way to encourage conversation and create a relaxed atmosphere for learning and discussion. By following these tips, you can facilitate a successful fireside chat that engages both the speaker and the audience.
I am facilitating heart-centered fireside chats with my new book The Heart-Centered Leadership Playbook for September 2023. The cutoff date for registration is April 16th.
Information & Registration:
What’s in your playbook?