September 12th, 1987. A day I will never forget.
Little did I know it was going to be the last day I would see and talk to my dad alive.
I recall our last conversation. It’s so vivid in my memory and I can visualize myself beside his beside in the hospital.
A feeling in my gut that he didn’t look well, he was pale and weak. It was the end.
It was my last father daughter talk.
He said to me, “you will have many barriers in your life. The key is to always see a solution.”
Enter the birth of my emotional resilience.
The next morning at 6:00 a.m. my dad passed away.
I tucked that last bit of dad wisdom into my heart and I think about it daily and have since that day in 1987.
When we lead with open minds and hearts, we can always leave room and space for solutions.
I truly believe that barriers present in our lives to allow us exploration of our creativity. A balance of feeling and being independent to integrate that creativity.
My dad was a phenomenal entrepreneur. He valued his relationships. I guess I am an extension of my dad in many ways.
Whenever I am presented with a barrier in life or business, I see the opportunity for solutions or sometimes resolution.
What’s in your playbook?