I’ve been thinking about a model where I could demonstrate that we are all in the people business beyond policies, protocols, metrics, etc.
When I was a neurotrauma case manager, I always enjoyed medical debriefs from the beginning when my clients were inpatients until discharge, and my community-based team would provide regular updates.
The SOAP model below is the model that was used.
It’s simple and effective.
The more I thought about this, the more I realized it could be used in any sector, anywhere in the world, for any position.
A bit of vision, creativity, and imagination bring new ideas to the forefront for implementation.
S – Subjective
Subjective information the person provides.
O – Objective
Factual information or metrics the people provide.
A – Assessment
Analysis based on the information provided to date.
P – Plan
What are the plan and next steps?
I am yet to find an executive or C-suite leader who doesn’t welcome, utilize, or implement things being easy.
We don’t have to make things hard in heart-centered leadership.
Think about past roles, responsibilities, policies, procedures, etc.
Where is the intersection?
What’s in your playbook?