For decades I have been an early riser and thoroughly enjoy the quietness of the morning and that time to think.
Since becoming a yoga teacher I have added mindfulness into my morning practice.
I’ve allowed transition and true ebbing and flowing.
I allow myself to awake naturally.
I choose to not be awaken by a bell, alarm, music, etc.
This has been a welcoming addition.
I meditate for the first thirty minutes of my day.
I have various websites, apps and recorded meditations.
My favourite app is Insight Timer.
I choose several meditations around different topics, theme and durations.
I then have my coffee, yet remain mindful. Enjoying each sip of hot, delicious coffee.
I journal and then prepare for my day.
The beautiful lies being mindful in the moment.
There is no urgency, rushing or stress to get to the next task. 💙